Toro 51619 Ultra Blower/Vac, Red Review


An amazing hand-held mulcher for super fine mulching:

Another time of spring and the only thought that would be running in your minds is ranking the leaves and debris manually. It includes a lot of hard work and painful for the muscles. Thus we recommend you to use a good leaf mulcher and fortunately we have something that is really helpful for you in the market. Let’s learn how beneficial “Toro 51619 Ultra Blower/Vac” be to you.

Toro 51619 Ultra Blower Review

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Basically, this product comes in color red and it is a great time saver and helps the house owners in ranking the leaves quickly and helps in cleaning your yard neat and tidy within no time. The product have also received lot of raves from the customer and it should as it is indeed a satisfactory product that can ease most of your yard cleaning work. As per the demonstration, we came across few amazing qualities of the product and few things that lacked in the product which can be improved.


  • Amazing blower and Vacuum: The product has amazing vacuum and blasting power through which could clean all the loose leaves and the sticky leaves and the leaves stuck in the grass and pavements was easily loosened through the blaster and then vacuumed it into the fine mulch. The blower was so powerful that it sent all the sticking leaves flying out and making easier to vacuum it.The switching of vacuum to blower is easy by releasing and fastening a simple latch that is in-built in the equipment. The power of both the blower and vacuum is sufficient enough to clean your yard.
  • Easy to use vacuum bag: The vacuum bag is interestingly designed by providing a bottom zipper enabling easy cleaning of the vacuum bag. It is big enough to hold a lot of leaves at one shot making ones work easier and avoiding the clearing of the bag over and over. The vacuum bag can also be used to store the mulcher easily and uses less area for storage as it can be suspended in the wall.
  • Controllable speed: The device also comes with speed controller through which the speed of blower and vacuum could be easily controller as per the needs of the lawn area unlike other leaf vacuums.
  • Better Mulching: The large metal impeller are powerful and does an amazing job mulching all the debris and reducing it into tiny bits. These mulches can be readily used as nutrients for your garden.
  • Easy to handle: This vacuum mulcher is light weighted and hand-held device. It is easy to use and doesn’t involve more muscle strength.


  • Insufficient cord length: The cord length is not sufficient enough to cover the maximum yard space. Thus, I you might have to buy an extension cord that is well-suited for the product. The manufacturers could have provided with a good length extension cord so that it could be of really good use. It is only the cord that makes is slightly inconvenient to use.
  • Be extra careful while clearing the yard: Clearing the yard has to be done neatly and carefully by avoiding the pricks and pebbles from getting into the metal impeller. This can spoil the metal impeller by clogging and the device might stop working. Thus, it is not suitable for a yard that is covered with tiny pebbles and yard wastes which can harm the equipment. It is only suitable for dried and sticky leaves.
  • Durability: The motor is not suitable for continuous use. If the equipment is used for a longer duration, the motor might burn or get heated up. If the motor gets heated up then the equipment automatically stops and you will have to wait for the motor to cool and start again.


It is an amazing product for shorter yard length and thus it will be of good benefit to house owners who has a medium size lawn or garden. It is a good product to use as it will ease your worries and helps you to enjoy the spring time.

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